Monday, July 25, 2011


No. Item Description Metric Formulae Remarks

1 End User Satisfaction (Client) %age in top 3 boxes On a 5 point scale, Sum of % in Top 3 boxes for 5 questions on Service Offered For a 4 point scale rating, Sum of % in Top 3 boxes for 5 questions on Service Offered
2 End User Satisfaction (COPC) %age in top 2 boxes On a 5 point scale, Sum of % in Top 2 boxes for the question on Overall Satisfaction For a 4 point scale rating, Sum of % in Top 2 boxes for the question on Overall Satisfaction
3 End User Dissatisfaction (COPC) %age in bottom 2 boxes On a 5 point scale, Sum of % in Bottom 2 boxes for the question on Overall Satisfaction For a 4 point scale rating, % in Bottom box for the question on Overall Satisfaction
4 Attrition %age annualized - External (Staff Attrited during the Month / Staff count at the End of the Month) * 100 * 12 Staff attrited during the month would include resignations, terminations and absconding staff.
Staff count at the end of the month=(Opening Balance for the month + New recruits - Attrited staff)
5 %age annualized - Internal (Staff Transferred during the Month / Staff count at the End of the Month) * 100*12 Staff transferred during the month would include staff who have been transferred from on department to another within the same process or staff who have been promoted within the same process.
Staff count at the end of the month=(Opening Balance for the month + New recruits-transferred staff)
6 Absenteeism % Staff Absent ( All Unscheduled Leaves) (Total unscheduled absenteeism for the process for the month / Total scheduled working days)* 100 Total unscheduled absenteeism = (SLs+UCLs+ULWPs)
Total Scheduled working days = (Total present + Total unscheduled absenteeism)
7 Schedule Adherence % Adherence 1- [(Total Exceptions + Non Adherent hrs) / (8.5*total staff present during the month)]*100
8 Processing inbound end-user calls On Time - Service Level ( Number of calls answered within the service level / Total calls offered ) * 100 Calls Offered includes Terminated Calls
9 Abandonment Rate (Calls Abandoned + Calls Terminated) / Calls Offered Calls Offered includes Terminated Calls
10 Calls Answered % (Client Definition) Calls Answered / Calls Offered Calls Offered includes Terminated Calls
11 On Time - Grade of Service (Client Definition) ( Number of calls answered within the service level / Total calls Answered) * 100
12 Accuracy (Number of passed transactions / Transactions Monitored)*100
13 Non-Fatal Error Accuracy [1- ( Non Fatal Errors / ( Transactions Monitored * Opportunities for Non Fatal Errors per Transaction))]*100
14 Critical Error Accuracy (1- (Critical Error Transactions / Transactions Monitored ))* 100
15 Volume Calls Answered + Calls Abandoned + Calls Terminated Calls Offered includes Terminated Calls
16 Efficiency - Occupancy (AHT * Calls Handled) / (Staffed Time - Aux Time)
17 Efficiency - CSR Utilization ((AHT * Calls Handled) + Idle Time) / Staffed Time
18 Efficiency - AHT Average Talk Time + Average After Call Work Time Talk Time in Nortel includes Hold Time.
19 Efficiency - Cost per Transaction Total Costs / Total number of Calls Answered Target Calculated as Bugdeted Cost / Forecasted Calls
20 Processing External escalations ( Sent to Client) Percentage (No. of L2 Escalations / No. of Calls logged in Siebel) * 100
21 Volume No. of Calls Escalated Data sent by Onshore

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