Monday, July 25, 2011

formula's operation

Punjab Prepaid Unit Data Source Formula

% to forecast % Formula Calls offered/Calls forecasted

SVL% (Split 1,4,11) % Formula (Calls answered in threshold- short calls)/(Calls offered-Calls abandoned <5 secs- short calls)

Abn % (Split 1, 4, 11) % Formula (Calls offered- Calls Answered)/Calls Offered

AHT (Split 1,4,11)-Certified agents no's Formula ATT+AOHT+ACW

AHT (Split 1,4,11)- Under Certification agents no's Formula ATT+AOHT+ACW

Service Level % (Split 1) % Formula (Calls answered in threshold- short calls)/(Calls offered-Calls abandoned <5 secs- short calls)

Service Level % (Split 4) % Formula (Calls answered in threshold- short calls)/(Calls offered-Calls abandoned <5 secs- short calls)

Service Level % (Split 11) % Formula (Calls answered in threshold- short calls)/(Calls offered-Calls abandoned <5 secs- short calls)

Abn % (Split 1) % Formula (Calls offered- Calls Answered)/Calls Offered

Abn % (Split 4) % Formula (Calls offered- Calls Answered)/Calls Offered

Abn % (Split 11) % Formula (Calls offered- Calls Answered)/Calls Offered

Average Staff time-Certified agents hours Formula Total staff timeof certified agents/Certified agents logged-in

Average Net login time(excluding Aux1,2,9)-Certified agents hours Formula Total staff timeof certified agents- Aux1,2,9/Certified agents logged-in

Average Productive time-Certified agents hours Formula Total staff timeof certified agents- Total Aux(Certified)/Certified agents logged-in

Telephone Occupancy% % Formula AHT*Calls Answered/(Aht *Calls answered+Avail time) AHT*call answered/aht*call ans+availtime
CSAT%-Certified agents % Formula Yes(Yes+No)

CSAT%-Under Certification agents % Formula Yes(Yes+No)

Tagging # - Certified agents nos. Formula Sum of E,C,R for certified agents

Tagging%- Certified agents % Formula Tagging#/ Calls answered

Unique Tagging%- Certified agents % Formula Unique Tagging#/ Calls answered

FLC#- Certified agents nos. Formula Sum of E,C,R for certified agents where it is FLC

FLC% % Formula FLC#/Tagging#)

Incorrect Tagging%- Certified agents % Formula

Incomplete Tagging%- Certified agents % Formula

Login hour adherence% % Formula Avg Login hour inclisive of approved downtimes/10

Max Calls in queue nos. CMS Not avalable as of now

Max Wt Time nos. CMS Maximum delay

% of intervals not met-Service e=level % Formula No. of intervals not met target/Total no of intervals(48 or 96)

CSAT SMS Sent No Formula Yes+No+Blanks

Response% % Formula (Yes+No)/(Yes +No + Blanks)

FCR % % Formula C& R(Y)/C&R (Y+N)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot, was helpful !! It wud be great, if u can tell me where can I find little more detailed explanation in above things..since I am new to operations..

