Monday, June 2, 2014

firob- questionare

1)Please place the number of the answer that best applies to you in the space at the left
of the statement. Please be as honest as you can.
2)From No. 1-16, answer according to;
1) Usually2) Often3) Sometimes4) Occasionally5) Rarely6) Never
1I try to be with people
2I let other people decide what to do
3I join social groups
4I try to have close relationships with people
5I tend to join social organizations when I have an opportunity
6I let other people strongly influence my actions
7I try to be included in informal social activities
8I try to have close personal relationships with people
9I try to include other people in my plans
10I let other people control my actions
11I try to have people around me
12I try to get close and personal with people
13When people are doing things together, I tend to join them
14I am easily led by the people
15I try to avoid being alone
16I try to participate in group activities.
3From No. 17-40, answer according to;
1) Most 2) Many3) Some4) Few5) One or two6) Nobody
people people people people people
17I try to be friendly with people
18I let other people decide what I do
19My personal relationships with people are cool and distant
20I let other peole take charge of things
21I try to have close relationships with people
22I let other people strongly influence my acitons
23I try to get close and personal with people
24I let other people control my actions
25I act cool and distant with people
26I am easily led by people
27I try to have close, personal relationships with people
28I like people to invite me to do things
29I like people to act close and perrsonal with me
30I try to influence strongly the actions of other people
31I like people to invite me to join in their activities
32I like people to act close towards me
33I try to take charge of things when I am with people
34I like people to include me in their activities
35I like people to act cool and distant towards me
36I try to have other people do things the way I want them done
37I like people to ask me to participate in their discussions
38I like people to act friendly towards me
39I like people to invite me to participate in their activities
40I like people to act distant towards me
3From No. 41- 54, answer according to;
1) Usually2) Often3) Sometimes4) Occasionally5) Rarely6) Never
41I try to be the dominant person when I am with people
42I like people to invite me to do things
43I like people to act close towards me
44I try to have other people to do things I want done
45I like people to invite me to join in their activities
46I like people to act cool and distant towards me
47I like to influence strongly other people's actions
48I like people to include me in their activities
49I like people to act close and personal with me
50I try to take charge of things when I am with people
51I like people to invite me to participate in their activities
52I like people to act distant towards me
53I try to have other people to do things the way I want them done
54I take charge of things when I am with people

cuika - targets benchmark vs1.2

Client SatFor eg: on a scale of 1 -5 , 4 & 5 would be Top 2 boxes>=80% on Top Two boxes
Client Dis Sat - Ontime to Respond>=90%
End User Sat>=85% on top two boxes
End User Dis SatFor eg: on a scale of 1 -5 , 1 & 2 would be bottom 2 boxes<=5% on Bottom Two boxes
Training Quality>=85%
Recruitment Ontime>=90%
On Time>=95%
Backlog<=1 Cycle Late
Non-Critical ErrorAccuracy>=95%
End User Critical Error Accuracy>=98%
Business Critical Error Accuracy>=95%
HelpDesk Quality>=98%
Telecom Uptime>=99.6%
MIS Uptome>=99.6%

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Shrinkage Report

You could put your verification ID in a comment Or, in its own meta tag Or, as one of your keywords

7.0 Shrinkage Report

7.1 Purpose

The purpose is to have a documented procedure for tracking adherence to the schedules of the agents for all Operational Processes .

7.2 Scope

This is useful to the Operations Team to track adherence to the schedules of the agents.

7.3 Objective

The objective is to track adherence to the schedules and reduce deviations that would affect the Service Levels.

7.4 Procedure

WFM releases TL wise shrinkage quota along with the roster. TLs sanction unplanned leaves based upon leaves quota available with them and submit leave forms to WFM.
WFM cross checks the leaves received with the quota allocated and update records.
TL wise shrinkage report is released on daily basis and shrinkage exceeding quota highlighted in RED.
Target Shrinkage for a process is 23% ( 15% WO+3% Leaves+5%Unplanned leaves or absenteeism).

7.5 Service Level Agreement

To publish the daily adherence report on or before 1100 hrs everyday & Shrinkage Quota on or before Friday.

7.6 Metrics

80% compliance to the SLA