Monday, June 2, 2014

metric - definition

ProcessMetric CategoryMetricsOperational Definition
Inbound VoiceEfficiency MeasuresSl(total calls offer/total call ans(in threshold time)*100)
Inbound VoiceEfficiency MeasuresAltotal call offer / total call answer
Inbound VoiceEfficiency MeasuresShrinkage(Planned )tolal leaves / (total agents rostered )
Inbound VoiceEfficiency MeasuresShrinkage(unPlanned )tolal Absents / (total agents rostered )
Inbound VoiceEfficiency MeasuresAHT(Total Talk Time + Total After Call Work Time + Total ACD Hold Time) / Total calls handled
Inbound VoiceAux%Total Aux time(all auxes combined including breaks/training/coaching/floor walk/other aux)/Staffed time
Inbound VoiceAvail%Avail Time/Staffed Time
Inbound VoiceEfficiency MeasuresCSR Utilization(Talk Time+Hold Time+Wrap Time+Avail Time)/Actual Staffed time
Inbound VoiceLogin AdherenceTotal log hrs delivered in month by a CSR / divided by total number of present shifts
Inbound VoiceEfficiency MeasuresOccupancy(Talk Time+Hold Time+Wrap Time)/ (Talk Time+Hold Time+Wrap Time+Avail Time)
Inbound VoiceSchedule Adherence1- [(Non Adherent hrs) / (Scheduled time * total staff present during the month)]*100
Inbound VoicePeople MeasuresUnscheduled AbsenteeismLeaves post release of locked schedule/Total Scheduled Agents
Inbound VoicePeople MeasuresExternal AttritionTotal external exits for the month/((Opening Headcount+Closing Headcount)/2) * 12
Inbound VoicePeople MeasuresInternal AttritionTotal internal movements out of the process for the month/((Opening Headcount+Closing Headcount)/2) * 12
Inbound VoiceQuality MeasuresCritical Error Accuracy - Business affectingTotal defective calls resulting in business impact/Total Calls monitored (expressed as %)
Inbound VoiceQuality MeasuresCritical Error Accuracy - Customer affectingTotal defective calls resulting in Customer impact/Total Calls monitored (expressed as %)
Inbound VoiceQuality MeasuresNon Critical Error AccuracyTotal Non-Critical Defects/ (Transactions Monitored * Opportunities for Non- Fatal errors per Transaction) *100
Inbound VoiceSatisfaction MeasuresComplaints - Ontime to RespondTotal complaints responded to ontime / Total Complaints Resolved
Inbound VoiceSatisfaction MeasuresComplaints - Ontime to ResolveTotal complaints resolved ontime / Total Complaints Resolved
Inbound VoiceSatisfaction MeasuresCsatCustomer scoring in top two boxes in a 5 or 7 point scale/Total customers who responded on survey
Inbound VoiceSatisfaction MeasuresDsatCustomers scoring in Bottom Two Boxes on 5 or 7 point scale/Total customers who responded on survey
Inbound VoiceSatisfaction MeasuresFCRNo. of calls on which resolution was given on first call itself / Total calls answered
Inbound VoiceSatisfaction MeasuresSurrogate CsatSame as CSAT
Inbound VoiceService MeasuresAbandon RateCalls abandoned / Total calls offered
Inbound VoiceService MeasuresASAAverage speed at which all the calls were answered. (Speed of answer is the time taken in the queue for a call before it gets answered by an agent)
Inbound VoiceService MeasuresLine AttainmentPercent of intervals (30 minute interval) in the month where the actual hrs delivered on system to do productive work was equal to or greater than that required per the client designated 30 minute staffining demand.
Inbound VoiceService MeasuresService Level(Number of calls answered within the service level / (Total Calls Offered))*100
BPOEfficiency MeasuresAPTAverage time taken to complete a transaction
BPOAux%Total Aux time(all auxes combined including breaks/training/coaching/floor walk/other aux)/Staffed time
BPOAvail%Avail Time/Staffed Time
BPOEfficiency MeasuresCSR UtilizationTotal Time on system/ Staffed Time
BPOLogin AdherenceTotal log hrs delivered in month by a CSR / divided by total number of present shifts
BPOEfficiency MeasuresOccupancyTotal time spent working on transactions / (Time spent working on transactions + time spent waiting for transactions)
BPOPeople MeasuresUnscheduled AbsenteeismLeaves post release of locked schedule/Total Scheduled Agents
BPOPeople MeasuresExternal AttritionTotal external exits for the month/((Opening Headcount+Closing Headcount)/2) * 12
BPOPeople MeasuresInternal AttritionTotal internal movements out of the process for the month/((Opening Headcount+Closing Headcount)/2) * 12
BPOQuality MeasuresCritical Error Accuracy - Business affectingTotal defective Transactions resulting in business impact/Total Transactions monitored (expressed as %)
BPOQuality MeasuresCritical Error Accuracy - Customer affectingTotal defective Transaction resulting in customer impact/Total Transactions monitored (expressed as %)
BPOQuality MeasuresNon Critical Error AccuracyTotal Non-Critical Defects/ (Transactions Monitored * Opportunities for Non- Fatal errors per Transaction) *100
BPOSatisfaction MeasuresComplaints - Ontime to RespondTotal complaints responded to ontime / Total Complaints Resolved
Satisfaction MeasuresComplaints - Ontime to ResolveTotal complaints resolved ontime / Total Complaints Resolved
BPOSatisfaction MeasuresCsatCustomer scoring in top two boxes in a 5 or 7 point scale/Total customers who responded on survey
BPOSatisfaction MeasuresDsatCustomers scoring in Bottom Two Boxes on 5 or 7 point scale/Total customers who responded on survey
BPOSatisfaction MeasuresFCRNo. of transactions on which resolution was given on first attempt itself/Total transactions Processed
BPOSatisfaction MeasuresSurrogate CsatSame as CSAT
BPOService MeasuresTATTurn around time
BPOService MeasuresBacklog(Weighted average of transactions in backlog) / Total number of transactions in backlog
BPOService MeasuresOn Time(Number of transactions processed within the target cycle time / Total number of transactions processed)*100
OutboundEfficiency Measures$ per HourTotal Dollars collected/Time on system
OutboundEfficiency MeasuresAHT(Total Talk Time + Total After Call Work Time + Total ACD Hold Time) / Total calls handled
OutboundAux%Total Aux time(all auxes combined including breaks/training/coaching/floor walk/other aux)/Staffed time
OutboundAvail%Avail Time/Staffed Time
OutboundEfficiency MeasuresCSR Utilization(Talk Time+Hold Time+Wrap Time+Avail Time)/Actual Staffed time
OutboundLogin AdherenceTotal log hrs delivered in month by a CSR / divided by total number of present shifts
OutboundEfficiency MeasuresOccupancy(Talk Time+Hold Time+Wrap Time)/ (Talk Time+Hold Time+Wrap Time+Avail Time)
OutboundPeople MeasuresUnscheduled AbsenteeismLeaves post release of locked schedule/Total Scheduled Agents
OutboundPeople MeasuresExternal AttritionTotal external exits for the month/((Opening Headcount+Closing Headcount)/2) * 12
OutboundPeople MeasuresInternal AttritionTotal internal movements out of the process for the month/((Opening Headcount+Closing Headcount)/2) * 12
OutboundQuality MeasuresCritical Error Accuracy - Business affectingTotal defective calls resulting in business impact/Total calls monitored (expressed as %)
OutboundQuality MeasuresCritical Error Accuracy - Customer affectingTotal defective calls resulting in customer impact/Total calls monitored (expressed as %)
OutboundQuality MeasuresNon Critical Error AccuracyTotal Non-Critical Defects/ (Transactions Monitored * Opportunities for Non- Fatal errors per Transaction) *100
OutboundSatisfaction MeasuresComplaints - Ontime to RespondTotal complaints responded to ontime / Total Complaints Resolved
OutboundSatisfaction MeasuresComplaints - Ontime to ResolveTotal complaints resolved ontime / Total Complaints Resolved
OutboundSatisfaction MeasuresCsatCustomer scoring in top two boxes in a 5 or 7 point scale/Total customers who responded on survey
OutboundSatisfaction MeasuresDsatCustomers scoring in Bottom Two Boxes on 5 or 7 point scale/Total customers who responded on survey
OutboundSatisfaction MeasuresFCRNo. of calls on which resolution was given on first call itself / Total calls answered
OutboundSatisfaction MeasuresSurrogate CsatIs this a metric
OutboundService MeasuresConnect RateTotal no of connects / Total no of attempts
OutboundService MeasuresContact RateTotal no. of Contacts/Total Attempts
OutboundService MeasuresRPC RateTotal no. of Right Party Contacts/Total Connects
OutboundService MeasuresConversion RateTotal calls resulting in conversion/Total Calls
OutboundService MeasuresKept RateTotal no. of Promises Kept/Total promises made
OutboundService MeasuresList backlogWeighted average of Calls from list not dialled on time/ Total calls from list which are not dialled on time
OutboundService MeasuresList on TimeTotal Calls from list dialled on time/Total calls on list
OutboundService MeasuresPromise RateTotal no. of Promises made/Total Right Party contacts