Monday, June 2, 2014

TL - TM ScoreCard inbound bpo sector

TL-TM Conquest Scorecard
Category #CategoryModuleMeasureCalculationPointsTotal
Planning, Leadership & Culture
1.1 VIGs and Values# of VIGs and Values deployedAtleast 3 examples100
1.2 Culture# of cultural elements deployedAtleast 3 examples100
1.3 Planning, Leadership & Habits# of Habits deployedAtleast 3 examples100
2.1 Transaction Monitoring
Calibration - Gage R & R scoreVariance between the calls evaluated by TL/QA/Client20
Monitoring as per samplingEnsure all agents are covered and there are no biases in the sampling10
Top 3 errors identifiedTop 3 errors are identified for the team each month15
Top 3 errors actionedActions are planned to elimiate the errors identified15
Feedback on time %Feedback on all monitors done is passed onto the team within 24 Hrs of the monitoring10
Team members moving in Repeat error classification - influx rate (%)Number of team members making critical errors/ Total number of team members15
Team member moving out of Repeat error classification - outflux rate (%)Number of team members moving out of critical errors./ Total numbe of team members making critical errors15
2.2 Real Time Management
Schedule adherence for his her / team1- [(Non Adherent hrs) / (Scheduled time * total staff present during the month)]*10075
Average login hrsTotal log hrs delivered in month by a CSR / divided by total number of present shifts25
2.3 EU Privacy and Data Updates
On time updatesNo of floor touch done on time / No of floor touch planned30
Updates accuracyTotal people audited, and passed those audit30
EU Privacy Audit scoretotal attributes to be scored on and total passed40
2.4 Floor ManagementFloor management compliance scoreTL is to do say 10 things daily, how many of those did he complete100
3.1 Refresher / Development Training and Verifications
Top 3 areas for Refresher Training detected (Y/N)Yes or No30
Refresher training calendar complianceNo of refresher trainings conducted on time / total refresher trainings planned30
% Score Improvement post Refresher TrainingBefore and After score40
3.2 Staff Performance Management
% Agent Performance Metrics metTotal no of agent who have achvd the SLAs as against how many we have50
Staff Performance calendar complianceNo of staff given performance feedback / Total number of staff50
Staff Performance Action Closure complianceNo of action items successfully closed /Total action items50
3.3 Engagement, Communication & Feedback
On time - floor touchNo of floor touch done on time / No of floor touch planned75
On time - floor issue resolutionNo of issues resolved on time / Total number of issues75
4.1 Process Control
Bond for AHT/APTStd Dev of the entire population *** / 1/6th of the average of the entire population ***40
Bond for Quality / CsatStd Dev of the entire population *** / 1/6th of the average of the entire population ***60
4.2 Process Improvement
% 'Neither Meeting Nor Improving' RCAedYes or No50
% 'Neither Meeting Nor Improving' ActionedYes or No50
5.2 EU Sat and Dissat
End User Satisfaction% "Yes" responses from the SMS based CSAT Survey30
End User Dis-satisfaction(1- CSAT%)30
Surrogate End User Satisfaction% "Yes" responses from the CSAT measurement done internally20
Surrogate End User dis-satisfaction(1-Surrogate CSAT%)20
On time - for complaint responseHow many responded in the TAT10
On time - for complaint resolveHow many resolved in the TAT15
5.3 Achieving Results - SLAs and OLAs
Critical error accuracy - end user affectingTotal defect calls resulting in Customer impact/Total Calls monitored (expressed as %)
Critical error accuracy - business affectingTotal defect calls resulting in Business impact/Total Calls monitored (expressed as %)
Non critical error accuracyTotal Non-Critical Defects/ (Transactions Monitored * Opportunities for Non- Fatal errors per Transaction) *100
First Call/Transaction RightNo. of calls on which resolution was given on first call itself / Total calls answered
Average Handle Time (Total Talk Time + Total After Call Work Time + Total ACD Hold Time) / Total calls handled
Average Processing Time
Break Aux % Vis a vis absolute Break Aux time / (Total Aux time(all auxes combined including breaks/training/coaching/floor walk/other aux)/Staffed time)
Coaching Aux % Vis a vis absoluteCoaching Aux time / (Total Aux time(all auxes combined including breaks/training/coaching/floor walk/other aux)/Staffed time)
CSR utilization(Talk Time+Hold Time+Wrap Time+Avail Time)/Actual Staffed time
Average Hold timeTotal Hold Time / Total Calls Answered
Average ACW timeTotal ACW Time / Total Calls Answered
Contact RateTotal Contacts / Total Connects
Right Party Contact RateRight Party Contacts / Total Contacts
Conversion RateTotal conversion or promises to pay / Right Party Contacts
Kept RateTotal kept promises to pay / Total promises to pay
$ Collected or Sales / HourTotal $ collected or Sales made / Total logged in hours
5.4 Staff Attrition and Absenteeism
Retention / Attrition for the teamTotal external exits for the month/((Opening Headcount+Closing Headcount)/2) * 1240
Unscheduled Absenteeism for teamLeaves post release of locked schedule/Total Scheduled Agents25
Scheduled leaves for teamSched Leaves / (Scheduled Headcount + Sched Leaves)15
EWS - detect %No of Reds detected / Total Attrition25
EWS - save %No of Reds saved / Total Reds identified20

one-o-one sheet bpo

Employee CodeEmployee
Appraisal Score
Score (%)
Score (%)
(If Any)
0Praveen Kumar24-Aug-09Good
TL NameOne O One DateLast One O One DateTeam Quality ScoreTeam Productivity
Alankar Sood17-Sep-10Na#ERROR!#ERROR!
Employee feedback
TL feedback
RAGS. noProblem CategoryPending WithStatus
Personal Details3
Alternate no. (Friend or relatives)Name of the person whose number is mentioned aboveRelation with person mentioned abovePast Employer & TenureExperience (in Months)Type of industryMarital StatusSpouse NameWhat do you want to do in next 1 yearArea of interest (Professional)Hobbies