Thursday, June 5, 2014

SL tracker inboudbpo

DateSegmentForecastOfferedAnswered% to Forecast# of Interval FD > 115%AL%SL%Required on OfferedManpower SchedPresentDeficitReasons for Impact
1-JanHar Pre48546.25462134460295%2097%79%423038131977%Cust not able to call on any number,Validity of BA1 expired free mins on 31Dec'10, CRBT has not activated as customer having suficient balance, Cust not able to get Chota Credit
2-JanHar Pre44443.755323947134120%3889%29%411638531280%Cust unable to get the benefits of Chota Crdit and Myoffer scheme,Unbilled OCC not updated yet whether the TAT is over, also cust unable to activate the caller tune service whereas having sufficient balance in the accoun
3-JanHar Pre43076.254941946353115%3894%61%411136933390% FTT not received as per 121 rc done, Cust not abkle to get the benefits of Chot Credit, and also unable to activate the service of Caller tune .
4-JanHar Pre44717.254762447159107%2199%88%418936232789%Cust unable to avial the benefits of Credit on his number
5-JanHar Pre44717.254716446575105%1599%87%420235732484%Cust received sms for getting 40,000 sms in Myoffer scheme ,Cust not able to send the free sms, CRM not working
6-JanHar Pre44717.254676045913105%698%82%432636033692%Vas service activated status is not showing in the VAS EMG logs, Cust not able to send the free sms ,CRM not working, Push sms not working, HRY_ RDR Calls landed in Avayas
7-JanHar Pre437605372747902123%2789%35%435935031586%Vas Activation status is not activated in EMG logs, MNP numbers Barred due to documents …heavy call rush on documents skill 219
8-JanHar Pre44443.755002445866113%1892%55%433333830882%CUSTOMER NOT GETTIONG VL SEATTING /// AND BAL DEDUCTION
9-JanHar Pre44717.254865145151109%1593%61%439335130990%
10-JanHar Pre42392.54833046290114%1796%59%453733030184%Free Mints Not Crdited In RC 121, High Acht/High Aux
11-JanHar Pre437605094649749116%2198%76%4607342318106%High ACHT 155 ,Verse Jobs alert activated on customer number, Push sms Not working
12-JanHar Pre44580.55202149845117%2496%58%464636531691High ACHT, 121 Full talktime Issue
13-JanHar Pre43486.55188747964119%1092%54%498035531683%
14-JanHar Pre43486.55429950431125%3193%44%453738034286%
15-JanHar Pre44580.54853047594109%998%83%418936932885%
16-JanHar Pre443074504144488102%699%88%563136331887%
17-JanHar Pre42392.54601145337109%199%86%453743838325%
18-JanHar Pre44580.54750946987107%399%90%469243140890%
19-JanHar Pre
20-JanHar Pre
21-JanHar Pre
22-JanHar Pre
23-JanHar Pre
24-JanHar Pre
25-JanHar Pre
26-JanHar Pre
27-JanHar Pre
28-JanHar Pre
29-JanHar Pre
30-JanHar Pre

KRO file format page 2 inbound bpo

Name of appraisee:Page 2
Emp ID:
Key Result ObjectiveMeasurement CriteriaWeightage (90%)Self-appraisal by Appraisee (should be only in the form of achievements, challenges, roadblocks etc. Scores are not permitted)Appraiser's comments, observations and feedbackScore given by Appraiser on KRO (1 - 5 scale)Total / weighted score on KRO (Weightage X score given by Appraiser)
SVL%Internal target to be met for all processes20%55100
Abn%internal target to be met for all processes10%5440
Schedule AdherenceLate Login, Roster not adhere and Early Logout30%4390
Intraday reports100% deviation to be captured at interval level, in case of not meeting the targets, with a drill down of why the target was missed on magic ratios.5%5420
Aux %12% of the scheduled hours to be used 20%4360
Voice of the internal customersFloor Management, Break management, Coordination.5%5420
Initiatives2 initiatives=100%. Every initiative should have a cost benefit or performance enhancement vetted by manager.10%4330
Signature of AppraiseeSignature of AppraiserSignature of Reviewer
Page 3
Competency critical to roleMeasurement CriteriaWeightage (10%)Self-appraisal by Appraisee (should be only in the form of achievements, challenges, roadblocks etc. Scores are not permitted)Appraiser's comments, observations and feedbackScore given by Appraiser on Competency (1 - 5 scale; Refer to BARS)Total / weighted score on Competency (Weightage X score given by Appraiser)
Planning20%Acht Management in Haryana prepaid /Reduce non adherence Percentage /Maintaining Aux Dashbord haryana Preapid ,gurukul and postpaid./ to cheack calls and staff time agent wise./Marketing of WFM Portal./feadback given to agents daily basis regarding there AUX.240
Initiative and Commitment to Achieve20%Inititaive taken on reduced ACHT And non Adherence Percentage240
Customer Focus20%Dailly met with TM's regarding there AUX ,ACHT and Non Adherence Percentage.240
People Management20%never be rude to anyone, always respect my seniors and all the support staff in entire mohali building.240
Team Leading20%Leading all the RTM's mohali. Taking the team meet once in week & tell them to update all the reports on time with zero error and with100% accuracy.120
Performance Strengths of the Appraisee (To be filled by the Appraiser)Areas for Development (To be filled by the Appraiser)
DECLARATION:The points mentioned in the form have been discussed with the reviewer and agreed upon by the Appraisee, Appraiser and Reviewer
Signature of AppraiseeSignature of AppraiserSignature of Reviewer

KRO file format page 1 - inbound bpo

Page 1
Period for which appraisal is being done:Apr-10 to Sep 10Date:14-Oct-10
Name of appraisee:Emp ID:
Process / Function:Date of joining:5-Nov-07
Appraisee's designation:Appraisee's grade:Band-5
Name of Appraiser:Appraiser's grade:Band-4
Name of Reviewer:Reviewer's grade:Band-3
Guidelines for appraisals:
1. Please evaluate performance of the appraisee against KROs & Competencies that were set and agreed upon
2. Please be specific and objective in evaluating performance. This should be done based on measurement criteria that was set.
3. Provide feedback to the appraisee on KROs and Competencies. Support feedback with specific instances and concrete examples.
4. Encourage the appraisee to discuss his achievements and challenges.
5. Self-appraisal should not be done in the form of scores. It should elaborate the appraisee's achievements, challenges, roadblocks etc.,
6. Additional sheets can be attached for self-appraisal and appraiser comments. These must be tagged and signed.
7. Score each KRO and Competency on a 1 - 5 scale. BARS must be refered to for competency evaluation.
8. Discuss all points with the Reviewer and arrive at a Final Score.
9.Communicate rating to the appraisee only post Reviewer approval of rating.
10.Submit print out of form with signatures to HR.
Rating Scale
Performance Score (KRO score + Competency score)Corresponding Rating
336 - 450GOOD
Less than 250POOR